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UDC 141.319.8:159.923.2

BOROVSKA Liudmyla,
Associate Professor at the Department of Philosophy and Social Sciences
of Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics
19, Kyoto str., Kyiv, 02156, Ukraine


Background. Appeal to the philosophy of one of the most famous representatives of existentialism, recognized as a "monopolist" on the anthropological perspective
J.-P. Sartre, will help to identify the heuristic potential of the anthropological model of existentialism.
Analysis of recent research and publications. Philosophy of Jean-Paul Sartre in various aspects attracts the attention of researchers. However, studies of the authenticity of Sartre’s anthropological model in philosophical literature have not been revealed.
The aim of the article is to study the anthropological model of Sartre and determine the degree of its authenticity.
Materials and methods. The research is based on a critical approach, as well as on the general philosophical principles of objectivity and historicism.
Results. The anthropological model of Sartre reproduces a person whose behavior is not determined by any external factors, but between different acts of her mental life there is no connection, that is, it cannot detect any regularities. Thus, the psychic life of a person in principle cannot be known "from the outside", therefore it is impossible and his scientific knowledge. According to Sartre, in order to know a person, it is necessary to bring her to the "state of immovability", that is, to deprive her of freedom. In addition, a person cannot be an object for himself, and therefore she cannot know herself "from the middle".
Conclusion. The anthropological model of Sartre, representing a person, deprived of a holistic and relatively stable mental structure, torn out of the system of social connections, is not discursive, and therefore cannot be regarded as authentic, that is, as such, which can give a true knowledge of man.

Keywords: "I", subjectivity, being, existence, authenticity.


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